ANE Constructs Over 3000 Emergency Shelter

ANE Constructs Over 3000 Emergency Shelter

In September 2016 while Negunyyiel the last refugee camp establishes, ANE becomes one of the implementing partners taking to construct camp infrastructure facilities. Among facilities that has been handed UNHCR and ARRA includes the construction of emergency shelters and other facilities.

Without any delay the team of the field office has organized the necessary manpower and materials to complete the construction of facilities. With less than 3 months, the team has completed construction 3000 emergency shelters made them ready the incoming south Sudanese refugees.

Besides constructing the emergency shelters, ANE has constructed 700 transitional shelters and related facilities such hangar rooms, rub halls, undertook bush clearing, emergency kitchens and other facilities in Negunyyiel and Terkidi refugee camps. Besides 571 household latrines and 326 emergency latrines were also made and available to the refugees found in Negunyyiel, Jewi and Terkidi.

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